
Executive perspectives on digital experiences that support organizational transformation, the future of work, and new ways of working.

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augmented worker (2)

1 min read

AI: A Catalyst for Productive Transformation in Advanced Economies

A recent study from the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that generative artificial intelligence could add more than $4 trillion annually to the...

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3 min read

Secret Cyborgs in the Workplace: AI Tools and the New Labor Landscape

On July 18 of this year, OpenAI filed a trademark for GPT 5, a release that will be eagerly awaited because of anticipated power gains, more factual...

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White Paper: Leading a Purpose-Driven Organization in a Digital World Order

Our Leading a Purpose-Driven Organization in a Digital World Order white paper explores the pressing challenges confronting business leaders during...

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3 min read

The Future of Work: Where Machines Fear to Tread

During the First Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, machines replaced human muscle in some manual tasks, such as in factories and through the use of...

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4 min read

The AI Leadership Challenge: Empowerment and Adaptation

The economist Tyler Cowen draws an analogy between certain events occurring today – what some are calling The Great Reset - and how miners used to...

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2 min read

A Closer Look: The True Threat of AI

A recent opinion piece featured in the New York Times caught our attention. In it, the influential researcher and intellectual Evgeny Morozov...

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5 min read

Human-Machine Collaboration and the Future of Work

The evolving human-machine relationship – where people and automation coexist through work allocation and design - is a crucial aspect of any digital...

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8 min read

Organizational Change: Building the New Alliance of Workers and Machines

The core of the 4th Industrial Revolution is a fusion of digital innovation and human interaction. This is resulting in wholesale changes to...

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5 min read

Retaining the Human Touch in the Age of AI

Today’s business leaders have a pivotal role to play in developing the mindsets, behaviors, and organizational knowledge that will drive worker...

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3 min read

Understanding Explainable AI

“It’s important that we never lose sight of the fact that every AI application uses rules, data and inferences that are often derived from inputs...

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